Tuesday, August 5, 2008


"I want you to want me.
I need you to need me.
Id love you to love me.
I'm beggin' you to beg me."

j'ai dors dans le plus froid lit hier soir... Je suis dégoûté avec moi même. Qu'est ce que j'attend? Je pensait qu'il a senti quelque chose pour moi. J'avais tort. C'est ma faut... Je m'inquiète beaucoup.


Matthew Andrew said...

i'm trying to learn french. but without classes or someone to practice it with, its a bit hard. whats pret a porter? i know porter is like to hold or carry. learned it from the canadian national anthem, il sait porter la croix. it knows how to hold the cross. i think. gottuh practice some more.

RooRooPants said...

pret a porter = ready to wear. In terms of fashion, it's everyday clothing (hence the name of my blog, b/c it's an all-purpose/everyday kind of blog).

There are plenty of books you could use to learn some basic french, even just pick up a text for beginners french from a college bookstore, they're really easy to begin your french studies.

and you could always read up on my blog and try to see what you may recognize.

good luck