It's been fun watching the Democratic convention. Bill made a great speech (as expected) Michelle Obama was amazing and personable. Hilary gave a great speech (and has improved in appearance significantly since dismissing her campaign). They were personable, they were reasonable, and most of all they didn't attack any one issue.
On the other hand, randomness has appeared in the Republican side of things, in the form of Sarah Palin.
I like her, (I'm still going to vote democrat) but not for her political views:
She's a bombshell (smokin' oakin' VP?)
Can shoot a gun
Did Vogue in Feb
Mother of 5 (She even gave birth while in office to her youngest child)
Miss Alaska runner-up
ran a marathon
admits to smoking dope (lmfao)
"Sarah Barracuda"
So she's not necessarily going to drag me over to the dark side, but McCain's decision has made this election year a lot more interesting. They had only spoken once about the VP position, and Bam! he offers it up to her. Hm... McLaughlin Group this morning provided some critique on the DNC and on Palin as VP, and one went as far as saying that the only thing that Palin brings to the plate is "more breast." Monica Crowley feels that this woman (despite her overly-conservative values) will be able to sway over many of the undecided people in the keystates this year, grabbing many former Hilary supporters.... Ok... we'll see about that.
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