Sunday, August 31, 2008


It's been fun watching the Democratic convention. Bill made a great speech (as expected) Michelle Obama was amazing and personable. Hilary gave a great speech (and has improved in appearance significantly since dismissing her campaign). They were personable, they were reasonable, and most of all they didn't attack any one issue.

On the other hand, randomness has appeared in the Republican side of things, in the form of Sarah Palin.

I like her, (I'm still going to vote democrat) but not for her political views:

She's a bombshell (smokin' oakin' VP?)
Can shoot a gun
Did Vogue in Feb
Mother of 5 (She even gave birth while in office to her youngest child)
Miss Alaska runner-up
ran a marathon
admits to smoking dope (lmfao)
"Sarah Barracuda"

So she's not necessarily going to drag me over to the dark side, but McCain's decision has made this election year a lot more interesting. They had only spoken once about the VP position, and Bam! he offers it up to her. Hm... McLaughlin Group this morning provided some critique on the DNC and on Palin as VP, and one went as far as saying that the only thing that Palin brings to the plate is "more breast." Monica Crowley feels that this woman (despite her overly-conservative values) will be able to sway over many of the undecided people in the keystates this year, grabbing many former Hilary supporters.... Ok... we'll see about that.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I'm emotionally weak....

I just want to be loved. C'est une probleme?? Porque no lo puedo encontrar? Ou est-il?

I let a boy get under my skin. Now i suffer the consequences.

Je devrais etre fort, comme un pierre. Una roca con fortaleza incomparable.

"then he whispers in your ear, he's absolutely fallen"

Monday, August 25, 2008

guess what.

I chopped my hair off significantly.

I think I like it :)

c'etait un peu comme le coupe de Rihanna lol

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I had the pleasure of having brunch with Ms. Stephanie Layne on Thursday. This fantastic Purchase jet-setter flew in from Rochester for an interview at the Guggenheim. Tuscan platter (for 2) at Le Pain Quotidien, c'etait le plus meilleur chose pour manger la. That evenings adventures began with a trip to Crown Heights to see Carlee and Bess. I got a chance to meet the 3 kids crashing on their couch. They're cool and apparently Kelly met them off of a couchsurfing website. We had a few drinks and then we went dumpster diving. I've never done it before, but you can find some really good food that has been thrown out just because fresher produce has arrived. It was weird for me at first, but hey after a few glasses of wine anyone's inhibitions go out the door lol. I also picked up a cute guy's number as we rummaged through the garbage in

On another note after that horrific incident on the subway on Wed, I gained SOME dignity back last night on my way back from work. According to 3 different black women (one of them being a crackhead on the M60), I have the most amazing hair in all of Harlem.

There have been some very interesting things going on. Such as the crazy rooftop party in Bed Sty on Friday night... Wicked fun. Dragged Jurell, Issa, and Lizzy with me to that after some drinks at the Slaughtered Lamb to meet up with my usuals in BK. Last night was equally as entertaining: Limerick on 6th and 23rd followed by an insane party at an apartment in the LES. So gay so trashy so hilarious.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Congrats to me, who after 3 successful weeks of commuting via subway, managed to fall down a whole flight of stairs trying to catch the A. My leg's covered in bruises and scabs, and hurts a lot.

I'm not sure what provoked me to fall down in the first place (maybe the massive amount of people traffic, the pants I was wearing, etc...) but the next thing I know, I'm rolling down about 70 steps in the 175th subway station. Rather than offering help, or even just asking if I was ok, the hoodrats in the station stood there covering their mouths hollering "oh shit."

The saddest part being that I didn't even manage to catch the subway after such a fall.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Continuo buscando.... Me siento perdido. Trato de buscar a alguien que me quiere, pero no ha tenido suerte.

Creo que es yo. Soy una persona interesante, soy bello (algo que me tomo tanto tiempo para realisar), y trato.

I've just been disappointed time and time again.... and I tried. I open up only to have boys slam their door on me. All this questioning, something so out of nature for someone who has built up so much confidence, is exhausting.

I thought I found him, I think was wrong. I thought maybe I should try harder, I think I may have scared him away. ...and it's ok, I just wish to find someone for me. I'm good on my own, but I'd be so much better with someone. I'm tired of standing on my own. I want someone who can lean on me when they need to, just as i hope i can with then in my time of need.

It's one of the few times where I'll admit to tears developing. It's just saddening to me that I've been searching, trying to find him.

It'll get better in time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Look at what washed up on the shores of Long Island. Montauk to be precise:
The Montauk Monster ...yeah some are saying it's a decomposed raccoon (Jeff Corwin), while some believe it's a dog, and some have gone as far as suggesting that it's a capybara. Hm... wonder what they're doing on nearby Plum Island that would result in this monstrosity washing up on the beach???

The most mentioned (and probable) speculation is that it's a viral marketing scheme for a new tv show. check it:

Fox News


Friday, August 15, 2008


If you can, go check out the Madagascar exhibit at the Bronx Zoo, introduced this summer. It's one building dedicated to the wildlife native to this large African island. And as with most brand-spakin' things, this particular exhibit was packed with people. Kids and their stupid parents.

I went with Jimmy on Wed (suggested donation day) and it was packed. Despite the unpleasant amount of crowds, there were animals to see, and a nice breeze to enjoy.

more pics are up on flickr

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mama Mia

I'm an ABBA fanatic, and after seeing the musical and all the posters all over for the film adaptation, I got around to seeing it. It's amazing. check it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New New York

Firstly, this is now day 4 of being in Manhattan. It's what i hoped and needed it to be. I knew I was a cosmopolitan being who suffered through the stagnation of suburbia. I have my roots tied to both realms, but the reality is, I know that in order to flourish, the transition to New York was essential. On that note, I've been at Jimmy's and with my All-American charm (the irony) and his address, I began the search for employment. It seemed bleak with the stone-cold faces i met at some places, but I landed one interview. That interview was today, and it was even more successful than landing the interview; i landed the job (a good one at that) with Papyrus. Tomorrow I'm meeting with the district manager who will deem me worthy of a keyholder position, in which that case i'll be making upto 25 dollars and hour (which would make may life soooooo much easier).

This 'burban boy managed to catch up with all his city folk in a matter of days. I headed south to Crown heights to meet up with Carlee. We went to Beer Garden (which I've heard so much about yet unable to go to until then) and had LI iced teas and caught up. Bessie met us up and we continued chatting, and went over to their ice cream shop: Blue Marble. It's this quaint organic coffee shop/ ice cream parlor. They're amazing. Strolled down Eastern Parkway and went back to the ladies' layer. Had some wine, played some cards, like old times.

Today after a successful interview, I headed uptown to see Cat. We discussed poverty (ours specifically lol), and took a stroll around the neighborhood. I FINALLY WENT TO PINKBERRY! Frozen yogurt has never been this good, kiwi, chocolate chips and these little rice-puff things. Then walked around the Columbia campus until we found a nice shady spot and laid on the grass. There was this crazy Frenchwoman feeding the squirrels, and she attracted the most pudge one of the all over to us with a peanut. Afterward, we went out for a ridiculously large slice of pizza down the street. Traversed back to Wash. Heights and checked out the neighborhood for a bit. It's so pretty once you walk away from Broadway, and the GW bridge.

Pictures are up so check them out.

... and check out the latest issue of New York, there's this amazing article about the latest trend in plastic surgery. About Face. There's also this great chronology which follows about 4000 years of beauty and the vast differences in preferences over time. It's pretty cool.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


"I want you to want me.
I need you to need me.
Id love you to love me.
I'm beggin' you to beg me."

j'ai dors dans le plus froid lit hier soir... Je suis dégoûté avec moi même. Qu'est ce que j'attend? Je pensait qu'il a senti quelque chose pour moi. J'avais tort. C'est ma faut... Je m'inquiète beaucoup.

Monday, August 4, 2008


gotta love those hair weaves.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

to be

I'm excited. With less than a day away from my transition to Manhattan, I seem to be anxious and restless. I can't wait to see what opportunities are waiting for me.

On a slightly different note, I'm glad to know that he feels the same way. I worried that it'd be a one-sided sensation. I'm glad that i was proven wrong. Espero por el dia que finalmente podramos estar juntos; contentos y satisfechos. Sera, y sera pronto.