So the job hunt continues. As to prevent myself from falling into further destitution, I'm going to an Urban Outfitters interview on Tuesday. I want to be optimistic and hope to get a job for the remainder of the summer... but considering how the hunt has gone, it seems pretty bleak. Think positive.
Um, "I'm on a never-ending quest to find a boyfriend" (Drawn Together). I hate how that sounds. I'm not desperate, i'm lonely (there's a clear distinction). There's such a great appeal of having someone whom you can depend on, much in the same way you hope for them to depend on you. I'm also looking for a human pillow that i can just lie on for hours. It's funny, because people are unaccustomed to hearing me be all mushy, and to be honest, I may be a toughie, but I'm such a softy. I'm getting closer to finding him (I think). Il a besoin plus de temps.

Today marked he day that Snake K. left my care. She went home with Evelyn this morning. I was sad... she was the greatest silent company a person could ask for. So exotic, yet so docile. I'm really going to consider getting a snake of my own.
After Snake's departure, I left with diligence to the train station to meet up with Mark & Eric in Jamaica. Our mission: to rendez-vous and head to Staten Island to hit up an abandoned hospital facility. It was creepy. I'll make use of my flickr account, and post them on there. It was good to see some of the Purchase crowd today. We partook in one of our favorite activities and went to Chili's before catching Hellboy II: The Golden Army... I'm not too sure how i felt about it, but it was entertaining. Guillermo del Toro managed to salvage the Hellboy franchise a bit, by using his styling in creating the mythical creatures that appear in the film. Though the film fiddled with all sorts of emotions, I wish it had been less engulfed by adding some silly humor in it to detract from the well thought out fighting sequences.
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