Firstly, I met up with Carlee in Harlem to make our way to the bronx to get the presentation of our collaborative documentary in the Bronx. Ugh. We went, and much to our surprise, the film was edited to be flawless. I was in great fear since i had been conducting the interviews and was feeling unsure about their pertinence to our topic (Ethnographic views on the pollution of the Bronx River). I'd link it, but it's trapped on facebook, so inquire me on that to see it.
Um well the gallery proved to be really amusing in addition to the presentation of multiple environmental documentaries. The are exhibit on display (until June 1st) "Bartered States" is curated by a fellow Salvi, Jose Ruiz. In addition to that the art was really diverse, including homages to the 'chicano' ways out west, as well as to the Salvadorian tradition of aggressive politicians and revolution. No wonder my parents left, jaja. The one who stood out the most to me was Irvin Morazan who had this crazy contraption atop his head. He was living art, and he was art cooking too, b/c from what i inquired he was cooking up pupusas while wearing another extravegant headpiece.
After the matter, I went back to Harlem with Carlee for some shopping and the begining of a night of boozing. Met up with Cat in Morningside Heights for some Lychee-tinis, and then headed further down to 123 Burger Shot Beer. I fucking love that place. I ran into a fellow May-8ther, who just so happend to be turning 23 also, and well 5 shot (each) later, we were really celebrating, fusing our two groups together for a bit.
The funny thing is, drinking was done for about 10 hours in about 40 different places, but it's all pretty memorable. We were supposed to go out dancing to a salsa club downtown, but opted for some random Australian bar. I got hit on by the sexy waitress (go figure). She was sexy though, have asian-half french, with an australian accent. Gay or straight, that's hot.
return home: 8am
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