Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays!
After weeks of denial about the pending festivities, I've finally given in to the holiday spirit.
I ventured through the Union Square holiday market, in search of a replacement for my ugly hat. That hat was my companion almost everyday during these Brooklyn days... oh well.
One another occasion after walking into the Starbuck in Union Sq, I ran into this guy:
even shopping was something quick and easy to deal with this time around :)
and there was the good deed of the day: Some ghetto chick on her way to Hicksville (also my destination) at the East New York station was about to miss the train b/c there was a line to use the one (and only) functioning MTA vending machine at the station platform. I had just bought a roundtrip ticket, and split the bill and the ticket with her so she wouldn't miss her train.
Now i can get a taste of suburbia during my holiday stay at the parents. Lawngguyland.
Ohh and in case you haven't already, watch Jersey Shore. This is televised nostalgia. Not so much because I was a guido, but because they are such a LI/Staten Island/NJ cliche.
Snookie got punched in the face!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow days
123 reasons to love New York Now
Even the commentaries on the list (4 years later) are pertinent to my sentiments towards this city.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
am I so fascinated with these destitutes?!
Envoyé de mon iPhone
Friday, December 11, 2009
Multimedia message
The jerk-off cop loses and I'm glad even if I spent the greater part of my morning waiting in queue to validate my point. I still have to follow through with my investigation with the NYPD because I feel as if an officer of this nature should not be out on the streets (or subway stations) ego-tripping and manhandling innocent people.
This one is for you fellow New Yorkers!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
ESM pt. 2
The upper-middle class rendition of "empire state of mind"
Alicia Keys made an appearance this week on the Colbert Report. One of the highlights being her performance of "Empire State of Mind pt. 2). She had a bit of help from Colbert himself, versing on the woes of the top tier of NYC, lol.
Thank you Stephen Colbert for reminding us that refuge for us NYers is not a vacation, but seeking out sanction in the suburbs.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Multimedia message
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Hauntings from suburbia
I thought it was about the environment of my homeland... turns out it's just an ad hoping to abduct more Long Islanders. From one suburb to another...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
1. I was not taking up THAT much room on the train, I distinctly remember passing out on the end of the bench so i could rest on the end rail. Conversely, the ticket says that i was "sprawled out."
2. If I had been left alone on this train, i would have probably made it back to Brooklyn in time for some sleep. it was 2:37 when this ticket was written. I would have been home probably by 3, 3:30 tops. As a result of this whole situation (being removed from my train and the whole ordeal with the officer), I didn't make it home until 5am and had barely enough time to make tea and be out the door.
3. To be called hostile would be an understatement. The nerve to pull this shit. This cop was an asshole, and was looking for some unsuspecting victim to take his pent up anger out on.
4. In pulling me out of the train, he managed to bruise up my arm. VIOLENCE!!!
blah, and to add insult to injury (no... not the bruise), I still couldn't get out of the summons, nor have I gotten a proper response back from the NYPD complaint department. And then there was the fat guy who was taking up what could probably fit 2 people. That's what i see on the train to work immediately after this shitshow. FML
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Multimedia message
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Multimedia message
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Multimedia message
Get on the shuttle bus departing from Lorimer, and I hear the same biker kid from the train screaming at the dispatcher. He had al reason to: they wouldn't let him on the bus with his bike. I remembered that he was saying something on the train about his excitement to be home after 3 days of not being there. Justified fury.
This reignited the conversation with the same Latina whom I was speaking with on the L.
Which brings me to today. That same woman recognized me while I was transferring at Lorimer. She knocked on the train window as it departed the station. I hope to run into her again.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Multimedia message
Monday, October 19, 2009
Look what the tempest scared on board.
Hiding in the bank...
And of course the bum who sleeps outside of Bloomy's on 59th.
Hopefully someone gets the Zoolander reference, jaja.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
It's such a strange fun, to pick out things that you like to eat, and bring them home. I went to the TJ's in downtown BK. The selection was poor, but the people were entertaining. "Free samples" means you attract the most obnoxious of people, including this fat man who ran over the woman immediately in front of me on line just to get a nibble of brownie truffle and a sip of coffee. This initiated a conversation (which seemingly always occur between strangers and me) about the lack of consideration induced by the word "FREE." She guarded my stuff while i went to get some brownies and truffles, and i returned the favor when she went to be a sample hunter/gatherer.
There's something fantastic about food and well food shopping. You can tell a lot about a person just by peeking into their bag: what they can/cannot eat, how many people they are feeding, if they have a certain allergy, etc...
for example, it is obvious that she went to the open-air market in Union Square, and that she prefers veggies that aren't tampered with. She picked up a strange herb (over on the left), and perhaps watching her figure (the free-range organic poultry sausages at the bottom of that bag).
Monday, September 7, 2009
Great music, great food.
It was a spectacle, despite the fact that we were the outsiders being looked at as just that. "You don't belong here" was the choice of words from many a person to us, just because we were curious and not black...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
She looks like putty in person, and her face... well... essentially it looks like her face is stuck permanently like this:
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday night
secondly: this thunderstorm was a relief from the sticky and hot weather we've had this week. What it didn't relieve anyone (including myself) was from the beggars out and about on the streets. Rain or shine, for a penny or for a dime, they were persistent.
thirdly: It is almost impossible to find a subway car with at least another sober person aboard.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
numero 1 (take 2)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
À Cause de quoi?
Qui est cette fille - Yelle
Les filles sont jolies
C'est évident
Et moi je le suis
Juste de temps en temps
Les filles sont jolies
Et épanouies
Moi j'essaierais
Tant que je serais en vie
Qui est cette fille dont tu rêves tant ?
Qui est cette fille dont tu es l'amant ?
Qui est cette fille qui porte mes vêtements ?
Mais qui est-elle ?
Elle porte mes vêtements
Ces filles ne disent pas non
Mais "pourquoi pas?"
Elles aiment les garçons
Et surtout toi
Les filles sont sexy
Quand elles te parlent
Et quand je le suis
Tu ne me vois toujours pas
Qui est cette fille dont tu rêves tant ?
Qui est cette fille dont tu es l'amant ?
Qui est cette fille qui porte mes vêtements ?
Mais qui est-elle ?
Elle porte mes vêtements
Faisons un petit jeu que tu ne connais pas
Tu serais la fille et moi je serais toi
Si maintenant les règles sont inversées
Est ce que ça va
Veux tu encore jouer avec moi a-a-avec moi
Qui est cette fille dont tu rêves tant ?
Qui est cette fille dont tu es l'amant ?
Qui est cette fille qui porte mes vêtements ?
Mais qui est-elle ?
Elle porte mes vêtements
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Shakira -Loba (she-wolf)
Sigilosa al pasar
Sigilosa al pasar
Esa loba es especial
Mirala, caminar caminar
Quién no ha querido a una diosa licántropa
En el ardor de una noche romantica
Mis aullidos son el llamado
Yo quiero un lobo domesticado
Por fin he encontrado un remedio infalible que borre del todo la culpa
No pienso quedarme a tu lado mirando la tele y oyendo disculpas
la vida me ha dado un hambre voráz y tu apenas me das caramelos
Me voy con mis piernas y mi juventúd por ahí aunque te maten los celos
Una loba en el armario
Tiene ganas de salir
Deja que se coma el barrio
Antes de irte a dormir
Tengo tacones de aguja magnetica
Para dejar a la manada frenetica
La luna llena como una fruta
No da consejos ni los escucha
Llevo conmigo un radar especial para localizar solteros
Si acaso me meto en aprietos tambien llevo el número de los bomberos
ni tipos muy lindos ni divos ni niños ricos yo se lo que quiero
pasarla muy bien y portarme muy mal en los brazos de algún caballero
Una loba en el armario
Tiene ganas de salir
Deja que se coma el barrio
Antes de irte a dormir
Cuando son casi la una la loba en celo saluda a la luna
Duda si andar por la calle o entrar en un bar a probar fortuna
Ya está sentada en su mesa y pone la mira en su proxima presa
Pobre del desprevenido que no se esperaba una de esas
Sigilosa al pasar
Sigilosa al pasar
Esa loba es especial
Mirala caminar, caminar
Deja que se coma el barrio
Antes de irte a dormir
Pride for once.... and ironically not instilled by this weekend's Gay Pride parade. lol
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
On peut dire que...
et daddy m'avait grandir. En mon case, je n'avais l'opportunité pour
fait mes désires, mise en secundaire a cause de les suggestiones et
les demandes de mes parents. C'est à dire malheureusment que ces
obligations m'ai consumé.
Je vois comme mes parents grandissent à mon petit frère, diego. Quel
chance qu'il se racontrer. Avec son troisième, mes parents le fassent
differentment: il a la liberté de faire qu'il voulait.
Sent from RooRoo's iPhone
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I begin to wonder
Insight is both a curse and a blessing. To know is to be aware and permits alterations to the now to improve on the future. But to not know is also a good thing; to not have thoughts of regret and wonder haunt the memory, and thus preventing an action to another reaction.
If only matters were as selective as hearing, neglecting to catch on to things that do not pertain to the now or to one's self, and to be alert and ready to digest the sounds about the present and how it will affect the future.
There is always a reason for why things are as they are, however a part of me wishes that i was oblivious until ALL things relevant unfurl. To sit here digesting fragments and to attempt to guess how things will work out is a torture, almost as bad as not knowing altogether.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Amor d'água
Deve sentir muito parecido a esse amor.
Esse amor com paixão, aí que coisa
Eu sei que eu não quero mais nada
Que coisa louca.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Black guys dig me. I don't know how i feel about that though... They're hot, but I want a nice white boy... or asian... maybe even a latino, haha. Chocolate is fun, but they have a habit of proving that (gay or straight) they're incapable of commitment. Ugh....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
You're the reason I don't change my number
Don't you know it's still the same
And I bet you remember that summer
When we kicked it everyday
Don't know how it happened, just happened
Kinda like we faded away
And I feel so alienated, don't you feel so alienated
I miss you and I want you back
I lost your signal, Where you at?
And I don't know how we lost contact
Where did you go? I'm searching for you
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Can't get you outta my system
Outta my system, Outta my system
Where did you go? I'm searching for you
had this been 6 months ago, it would be relevant, but now a year after the matter, he doesn't really mean much to me, at least no more than a memory would; something that you recall for inspiration.
Monday, May 25, 2009
It's only a little piece of our family, but they mean a lot to me even if they don't know it.
AV 12-2 pt 1 (2007-2008). The original was the best. Luman, Eric, Mark and myself. I was the glue that made it THE PLACE, Mark brought gastronomy, Luman alcoholism (lol), and Eric... well himself. We did it well. Lizzy the 5th roommate, who brought Jurell and Brent, who brought lara and Renee... and well....
pt 2 (2008-2009), I stepped out, but was still there, and Mark, Jurell and Brent held it down. New faces, new feel, but it was still the gathering place, a Honolulu perse.
"This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good."
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
This great debate is one of many resulting from my overly-anticipated exiting from undergraduate. 8 credits, 3 classes, and trips too numerous to count to NCC and SUNY P to get paperwork and anxiety about this departure out of the way. This degree is what this summer is about, almost as much as it will be about the sun, the beach and of course writing. Two weeks have passed where i've refrained from doing any work on my book, or on my thesis. They need to get done so that this chapter can be done. August, that's when it'll all be over.