Friday, April 17, 2009

I don't think I'm in love with you new York. At least not any more. I drove in to visit the Scotsman, and drove on the henry Hudson bridge to get to midtown. Of course it was beautiful out ant the view of the Hudson is grand. But the charm wasn't there. I gave the Scotsman a lift to the ues, and well no map, I just know how to navigate through this city. I may as well become a cab driver with this new york intuition. The citifield illuminated a great portion of queens, it's great to see that the recession hasn't affected the running of that $180 million facility. It was beautiful though. Blinding but beautiful nonetheless.

I'm leaving. I'm getting my degree, and I'm bouncing. I'm so unamused by my native metropolis.

I saw 'nick and norah's infinite playlist' tonight, and it was good. I hate michael cera, but the movie was entertaining enough to put up with that piece of toast. It reminded me (the movie) that there was something magical about manhattan, and well manhattan in general that I loved. We take eachother for granted now... I need to leave you dear apple just to learn to miss you. I wanna feel like norahs wasted friend caroline, really loving the city in particular the restless nights and the noises and sounds that keep you ticking way past the necessary hour.

I'm a city kid, and always will be. But Im liking the idea of going. DC has strong poss/probability, so I want to find out for sure what's there...

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