Tuesday, November 25, 2008

homeward bound

My refuge. It's time to go back, for the Thanksgiving holiday, and two weeks after, for a while longer.

The dream is dead. The Island is my home, my refuge.

Even though Washington Heights has been everything that I hoped for... It's time to go. This environment, this home, is anything but welcoming now.

Yo soy una persona tolerable y tolerante... en este caso, jamas. Ya no puedo soportar estas porqueridas...

"you were never dead to me... i just had to find something even more dead in Manhattan to know what you are"

I have a score to settle with Manhattan... Brooklyn-bound? peut-etre.

1 comment:

daytrippr said...

My blog is daytrippr.blogpsot.com.
Add me to your list babe!