Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drastic Fantastic

That's what it's going to have to be. This will be part of a story worthy of telling. This is one of those defining moments. It wasn't set up to be like this, but I'll take this opportunity to really make a point about myself.

I'll suffer a little bit, but let's face it, I can do anything with a little help from my friends. This will be the first bridge I'll have to burn, but there remain so many others.

This is what you want, this is what you'll get. Under my terms, with my departure.

Now it's a matter of finalizing. I have the will to leave a neighborhood that I've come to love, but I'm going to make it happen, here, in New York. Washington Heights has been great to me, and yet the reason I'm even contemplating departing is because of this home.

Something else that i could have just figured out without looking. Mi monito me ha olvidado, porque ya estoy seguro que se encontro alguien mas. Te recuerdas de mi? Probablamente no. Y esta bien. Ya no siento nada. Ya ni ha tratado... Pues, continuo mi buscueda

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