Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well yesterday was full of vigor and stress, but tension went away once the reason I was in Manhattan was taken care of.

Being interviewed by a crazy English woman was not as delightful as I'd hope. She scared me.... alot. She was a wall of a woman: 6'2" and very stern looking (in typical British fashion). But I think I made a good imprint on her, acknowledging that one of the reasons i was applying was merely to become situated in NYC once again.

It's been a while, but it's time to do it. I got a call from Carlee, there's an opening in her place, and I also got reassured for a call back for this position, so we'll see.

The stress was taken once I hopped onto the F from Houston and made my way to Herald Sq. For what? Dollar Ice pops at this great cafe/pastry shop on Korea Way (32nd) It's by a bunch of other assorted Korean shops: restaurants (Cafe Muse being one of the best there) as well as stationary and markets. Hopped on the R to Times Sq and made my way onto the 1 to go hang out at Columbia U. with Cat and Jimmy.

I think that's where I'll situate myself for grad school. It's a great location and has one of the most prestigious reputations in the NY area.

We'll see how it all goes.

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